“Lai" that means "come" picked as the Chinese Character of the Year of 2015 in my city Quanzhou
Do you want to know the reasons what made it? Come with me:
- In February, Many experts and scholars came to Quanzhou that is known as the starting point of the Maritime Silk Road and the Culture City of East Asia 2014 to take part in the international seminar onChina’s 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Initiative.
- April, Premier Li Keqiang came to Quanzhou. During his visit here, the Premier praised the Pin Shang E-commerce Co.’s new operation mode of “Internet Plus”. And in J-TECH CNC Machinery Co. he encouraged it to carry out the “Made in China 2025” program.
- November, artists and guests from 5 continents came to Quanzhou where 8 day-long the 14th Asia Arts Festival and the 2nd Maritime Silk Road Arts Festival were staged.
- Also, drones, robots and many other new things came to our lives in the past year.
wish you my dear friends and customers a very prosperous Wei Lai, which literally means the near future.
Evan Yaming ZHANG +86-136969 40690 changidea@iStoneCarving.com Skype: iStoneCarving WeChat: changidea QQ: 1290355001
P.S. News Source in Chinese language @泉州网
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