Our 9-year-old stone tea board workshp in China's Stone Carving Capital Hui'an

Our history of fabricating tea board in black stone can actually date back to 9 years ago and 7 years ago we opened our 1st shop on Alibaba’s Taobao.
Tea for Chinese is like coffee for the Westers. We offer a cup of tea when there is a visitor, a friend or a client. And a beautiful tea board makes a comfortable art scene. Our hand-carved stone tea board can serve both in the ourdoor garden and in the indoor reception room.
Let me take you a look at our stone tea board workshop in China’s Stone Carving Capital, my hometown Hui’an, Quanzhou across from Taiwan. I bet you will like it and if you want to buy one or to be our dealer feel free to contact Evan:
  • istonecarving@gmail.com
  • Skype: iStoneCarving
  • WeChat: changidea
  • QQ: 1290355001
